Outreach: ESR1 demonstrating Optics at School Careers Fair

February 14, 2020 christiane

It’s Valentine Day 14 Feb 2020 and FONTE’s ESR1 Vadislav ‘Vlad’  Neskorniuk is spreading his love for Science, Technology and all things Optics.
Together with Aleksandr ‘Sasha’ Donodin (ESR in WON-ETN; https://won.astonphotonics.uk) and Pavel Skvortcov, our three PhD students from Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies/Aston University are spending a day at a Birmingham Primary School with children aged 10-11. During the school’s ‘Career’s Fair and Science Day‘ Vlad, Sasha and Pavel are running simple optics demos and be chatting to the school children about what it is like to be a scientist at university, prooving to them that working in Physics, Technology and Engineering does not have to be boring but is ‘rather cool’ instead.