FONTE Early Stage Researchers

(click on the photo for more info, including social media)

V. Neskorniuk (ESR, Aston)

V. Bajaj (ESR, TU Delft)

S. M. Ranzini (ESR, DTU)

A. Shahkarami (ESR, TPT)

FONTE Supervisors and management team

(click on the photo for more info, including social media)

Prof S. Turitsyn (Coordinator, AST)


Dr H. Buelow (Supervisor,  NBL)


Prof D. Zibar (Supervisor, DTU)

Dr S. Wahls (Supervisor, TUD)

Prof. M. I. Yousefi (Supervisor, TPT)

Dr. Y. Prylepskiy (Supervisor, AST)

Dr. V. Aref (Supervisor, NBL)

Prof. Y. Jaouen (Supervisor, TPT)

Dr. F. Da Ros (Supervisor, DTU)

Ms. C. Doering-Saad (Project Manager, AST)