Conference talks and posters

(newest on top)

F. Da Ros

Invited Presentation at Advanced Photonics Congress 2022
Reservoir-computing and neural-network-based equalization for short reach communication
(Stenio Ranzini co-author)
DOI (awaiting);    Open Access (awaiting)

Advanced Photonics Congress 2022
24-28 Jul 2022, Maastrich, Netherlands

Vladislav Neskorniuk


Presentation at CLEO 2022
Model-Based Deep Learning of Joint Probabilistic and Geometric Shaping for Optical Communication
DOI (awaiting);    Open Access (awaiting)

Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2022
15-20 May 2022, San Jose, California, USA

Vinod Bajaj

Presentation at OFC2022
Efficient Training of Volterra Series-Based Pre-Distortion Filter Using Neural Networks
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6335505; Open Access presentation here; arXive paper here

Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2022
6-10 March 2022, San Diego, California, USA

Vahid Aref

Presentation at NeuCoS 2021
Applications of Deep Learning for Coherent Optical Communications
(incl. work by Vinod Bajaj and Vladislav Neskorniuk)
DOI (not available); Open Access here

NeuCoS Workshop on Neuromorphic High-Speed Communications (NeuCoS)
9 December 2021; online

Francesco Da Ros


Presentation at NeuCoS 2021
Reservoir Computing for Short-reach Optical Communication
(incl. work by Stenio Ranzini)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5793747 ; Open Access here

NeuCoS Workshop on Neuromorphic High-Speed Communications (NeuCoS)
9 December 2021; online

Francesco Da Ros


Presentation at 1st Workshop on Neuromoprhic Photonics
Machine Learning algorithms for optimized data transmission links
(incl. work by Stenio Ranzini)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5785594; Open Access here

1st Workshop on NeuromorphicPhotonics (Plasmoniac Project)
6-7 December 2021; online; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Abtin Shahkarami


Presentation at IEEE ICMLA2021
Efficient Deep Learning of Nonlinear Fiber-Optic Communications Using a Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network
Paper M5H.3
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5871715; Open Access here

IEEE ICMLA2021 the 20th International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications
13-16 December 2021; online

Francesco Da Ros

Presentation at FOAN 2021
Machine Learning in Photonics
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5793320; Open Access here

9th International workshop on FIBER OPTICS in ACCESS NETWORK (FOAN 2021)
26-27 October 2021; Ljubljana, Slovenia

Abtin Shahkarami


Presentation at OSA APC2021
Attention-Based Neural Network Equalization in Fiber-Optic Communications
DOI:10.5281/zenodo.5870309; Open Access here (associated full OA publication)

OSA ACP2021 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference
24-27 October 2021; Shanghai; China

Vladislav Neskorniuk


Invited Presentation at ECOC2021 (special ML workshop)
Machine learning methods for nonlinearity mitigation in the physical layer of fiber-optic communication links
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5528637; Open Access here

ECOC2021 the 47th European Conference on Optical Communication
13-16 September 2021; Bordeaux; France

Vladislav Neskorniuk, Andrea Carnio, Vinod Bajaj, Domenico Marsella, Sergei K Turitsyn, Jaroslaw Prilepsky, Vahid Aref

Presentation at ECOC2021
End-to-End Deep Learning of Long-Haul Coherent Optical Fiber Communications via Regular Perturbation Model
DOI 10.1109/ECOC52684.2021.9605928; (associated full OA publication)

ECOC2021 the 47th European Conference on Optical Communication
13-16 September 2021; Bordeaux; France

Vladislav Neskorniuk, Fred Buchali, Vinod Bajaj, Sergei K Turitsyn, Jaroslaw Prilepsky, Vahid Aref

Poster at Optical Fiber Communication Conference OFC2021
Neural-Network-Based Nonlinearity Equalizer for 128 GBaud Coherent Transcievers
DOI 10.1364/OFC.2021.Th1A.30; (associated full OA publication)

Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2021
2-11 June 2021, Virtual Conference

Vinod Bajaj, Fred Buchalij, Mathieu Chagnon, Sander Wahls, Vahid Aref

Presentation at Optical Fiber Communication Conference OFC2021
54.5 Tb/s WDM Transmission Over Field Deployed Fiber Enabled by Neural Network-Based Digital Pre-Distortion
DOI 10.1364/OFC.2021.M5F.2; (associated full OA Publication)

Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2021
2-11 June 2021, Virtual Conference

Benyahya, A. Ghazisaeidi, V. Aref, M. Chagnon, A. Arnould, S. M. Ranzini, H. Mardoyan, F. Buchali, and J. Renaudier

Presentation at Optical Fiber Communication Conference OFC2021
On the Comparison of Single-Carrier vs. Digital Multi-Carrier Signaling for Long-Haul Transmission of Probabilistically Shaped Constellation Formats
(presented by co-author Kaoutar Benyahya)
DOI 10.1364/ofc.2021.m3h.6 , (associated full OA publication and ArXive)

Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2021
2-11 June 2021, Virtual Conference

Francesco Da Ros


Featured Plenary Speaker at SBFoton International Optics and Photonics Conference (IOPC) 2021
Advancing photonic systems through machine learning
Watch it here

SBFoton International Optics and Photonics Conference (IOPC) 2021
31 May-2 June 2021, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Online Only

F. Da Ros, S. M. Ranzini, R. Dischler, A. Cem, V. Aref, H. Bülow, D. Zibar


Invited Presentation at SPIE Photonic West 2021
Machine-learning-based equalization for short-reach transmission: neural networks and reservoir computing
DOI: 10.1117/12.2583011 (associated full OA publication)

SPIE Photonic West 2021
6-12 Mar 2021, United States, Online Only

Vladislav Neskorniuk


Presentation at DigiCOSME/Gdr-ISIS workshop (co-chair)
A novel data augmentation technique to reduce the complexity of receiver-based DSP in optical telecommunications
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5528621; Open Access here

Abtin Shahkarami


Presentation at DigiCOSME/Gdr-ISIS workshop
Efficient equalization in nonlinear fiber-optic communications using a convolutional recurrent neural network
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5871037; Open Access here

Bajaj, Vinod; Buchali, Fred; Chagnon, Mathieu; Wahls, Sander; Aref, Vahid


Presentation at ECOC2020  ( Highly scored submission)
Single-channel 1.61 Tb/s Optical Coherent Transmission Enabled by Neural Network-Based Digital Pre-Distortion
DOI:10.1109/ECOC48923.2020.9333267 (associated full OA publication)

ECOC2020 the 46th European Conference on Optical Communication
6-10 December 2020; Brussels; Belgium

Magalhães Ranzini, Stenio; Dischler, Roman; Da Ros, Francesco; Bülow, Henning; Zibar, Darko



Presentation at ECOC2020
Experimental Demonstration of Optoelectronic Equalization for Short-reach Transmission with Reservoir Computing
DOI 10.1109/ECOC48923.2020.9333372 (associated full OA publication and arXiv:2010.06502)

ECOC2020 the 46th European Conference on Optical Communication
6-10 December 2020; Brussels; Belgium

Freire, Pedro J.; Neskorniuk, Vladislav; Napoli, Antonio; Spinnler, Bernhard; Costa, Nelson; Prilepsky, Jaroslaw E.; Riccardi, Emilio; Turitsyn, Sergei


Presentation at ECOC2020
Experimental Verification of Complex-Valued Artificial Neural Network for Nonlinear Equalization in Coherent Optical Communication Systems
DOI: 10.1109/ECOC48923.2020.9333293 (associated full OA publication)

ECOC2020 the 46th European Conference on Optical Communication
6-10 December 2020; Brussels; Belgium

Neskorniuk, Vladislav; Freire, Pedro J.; Napoli, Antonio; Spinnler, Bernhard; Schairer, Wolfgang; Prilepsky, Jaroslaw E.; Costa, Nelson; Turitsyn, Sergei


Presentation at ECOC2020
Simplifying the Supervised Learning of Kerr Nonlinearity Compensation Algorithms by Data Augmentation
DOI 10.1109/ECOC48923.2020.9333417 (associated full OA publication)

ECOC2020 the 46th European Conference on Optical Communication
6-10 December 2020; Brussels; Belgium

Stenio M. Ranzini, F. Da Ros, H. Bülow, and D. Zibar

Invited Presentation at ICTON2020
Optoelectronic signal processing for chromatic dispersion mitigation in direct detection
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3982018 (associated full OA publication)

19-23 July 2020; Bari, Italy

Darko Zibar

Short Course at OFC2020
Hands-on: Machine Learning in Optical Networks
Details here

Darko Zibar, Francesco Da Ros

Invited presentation at symposium at OFC2020
The Role of Machine Learning for the Next-generation of Optical Communication Systems and Networks
no DOI available

Darko Zibar

Seminar and Workshop
Machine Learning Techniques
Details here
No DOI available

Nelson Mandela University
12-14 Feb 2020; Port Elizabeth, Province of Eastern Cape, South Africa

Vinod Bajaj

Presentation at NFT workshop
Exact NFDM Transmission in the Presence of Fiber-Loss
Workshop abstract here
DOI 10.1109/JLT.2020.2984041 (associated full OA publication)

Nonlinear Fourier Transform Workshop at TU Delft
5 Feb 2020; Delft, The Netherlands

Francesco Da Ros, Stenio M. Ranzini, Henning Bülow, Darko Zibar

Invited presentation at workshop
Neural Network based Hybrid Optical-Digital Equalization for Short-reach Transmission.
DOI and full OA presentation 10.5281/zenodo.3742852

Stenio M. Ranzini

Invited Poster at workshop
Tunable optoelectronic chromatic dispersion compensation based on machine learning for short-reach transmission
DOI and full OA poster: 10.5281/zenodo.3557203

Stenio M. Ranzini, Francesco Da Ros, Darko Zibar

Presentation at IPC2019
Joint low-complexity opto-electronic chromatic dispersion compensation for short-reach transmission.
DOI 10.1109/IPCon.2019.8908278 (associated full OA publication)

IEEE Photonics Conference
29 Sept to 3 Oct 2019; San Antonio, TX USA

Vinod Bajaj, Shrinivas Chimmalgi, Vahid Aref, Sander Wahls

Presentation at ECOC2019
Exact nonlinear frequency division multiplexing in lossy fibers
DOI 10.1049/cp.2019.0940 (associated full OA publication)

ECOC2019 the 45th European Conference on Optical Communication
22 – 26 September 2019; Dublin; Ireland

Darko Zibar

Invited presentation at SoftCOM2019
Machine Learning Techniques for Next-generation Optical Communication Systems
Details here
No DOI available

Darko Zibar

Invited Presentation at ML-Photonica 2019
Machine Learning in photonic communication systems
Abstract here
No DOI available

Vinca Instuitute of Nuclear Sciences
26-27 Aug 2019, Belgrad, Serbia

Stenio M. Ranzini

Poster at 10th optoelectronics and photonics winter school – Nonlinear Photonics NLP2019
Optical Neural Network and Reservoir Computing for Optical Fiber Communications
DOI and full OA poster: 10.5281/Zenodo.3560603