Simulating Nonlinear Frequency Division Multiplexing in Python


S.Wahls, WP2 leader at FONTE Consortium partner Delft University of Technology TU Delft, has led the development of NFDMLab, an open-source software environment that simulates fiber-optic data transmissions using nonlinear Fourier transforms.

Full details and a wealth of auxiliary material is available on the NFDMLab website on github.
To get a first impression of NFDMLab, please check out the Videos.
To get started, follow the Installation instructions and read the Getting Started document.
Later, you might want to work through the Code Code documentation.

FONTE ESR (Vinod Bajaj (TU Delft) developed an additional DDF branch, an extension to the NFDMLab. This separate branch adds the functionality of simulating propagation in a dispersion decreasing fiber (DDF). The additional features available under the DDF branch simulate exact nonlinear frequency division multiplexing (NFDM) transmission over dispersion decreasing fiber links and modifiy continuous and discrete spectrum modulators accordingly. Two examples each for discrete and continuous spectrum (b-coefficient) modulation are added. These examples were also used to generate results published in the conference and journal paper.

Bajaj, V., Chimmalgi, S., Aref, V. and Wahls, S., 2019. Exact nonlinear frequency division multiplexing in lossy fibers. In Proceedings 2019 45th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) IEEE.  Open Access here.

Exact NFDM transmission in the presence of fiber-loss
Vinod Bajaj, Shrinivas Chimmalgi, Vahid Aref, and Sander Wahls, “Exact NFDM Transmission in the Presence of Fiber-Loss,” J. Lightwave Technol. 38, 3051-3058 (2020). Open Access here.